Five formative assessment freebies

Formative assessment isn’t really a favourite of mine, especially when I resort to “show me” boards then instantly forget who’s “got it” and who hasn’t as soon as the boards are wiped clean! 30 children armed with whiteboard pens at one time also makes me feel nervous as it’s only a matter of seconds before the war cry of “He/She STOLE my pen!” can be heard ecohoing across the school.

For any other forgetful teachers, and also to dissuade budding whiteboard kleptomaniacs, I’m sharing five of my favourite post lesson assessment ideas that I have gathered from  many a reliable source. (Pinterest. It’s all Pinterest).

Some are more suited to the upper stages, and you may well be impressed to see a smattering of references to social media. Don’t be. We primary teachers are famous for being “down with the kids”, right?

The beauty of these ideas is that they can also be used within group work for peer assessment, so you don’t even have to be there!

I’m joking.

Please always be there.

In no particular order, my five faves are as follows:

  1. formative-assessment-dice

Roll the dice (giant inflatable dice are a personal favourite) and assess away!






2. facebook likes.PNGAttach these little guys to lollipop sticks (unfortunately you can buy packs of these, so there just never is an excuse to eat 30 FAB’s in one sitting) and get a quick overview of who knows their stuff.

3. fist to 5.PNG An oldie but a goodie, “Fist to 5” helps you see at a glance which pupils need more teacher time.


4. mobile phone.PNGThe iPhone knows no boundaries.


5. traffic lights for trays.PNGIf my OCD serves me correctly, these labels should be the perfect size for sticking onto marking trays. No talking needed for pupils who might be embarrassed to admit that they aren’t quite there yet.


DOWNLOAD FOR FREE HERE: 5-formative-assessment-ideas





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